March 2022 Update

Dear Friends:

Thank you for caring so deeply for souls of the beautiful people of Peru!
From the jungle tribes to the mountain villages to the bustling and burgeoning cities, Peru’s growing population of nearly 33 million people needs to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
The challenges of reaching this nation are many and great: There are many different cultures, languages, and customs; many places are so remote that it can take as much as 4 days of travel to reach them (sometimes using a combination of land, air, and river transportation as well as walking long distances); travel is expensive; the incomes of many of our people are very limited, which results in limited funding in the national work for ministerial support (most of our ministers have to hold secular jobs), travel, evangelistic efforts, publications, etc.; among others.
Therefore, the role of the missionary is of vital importance at this stage, because the missionary is able to provide leadership and counsel to the national leaders and because the support that the missionary receives can be used to strengthen the national work and provide vital funding for missionary travel, equipment, important ministerial efforts, ministerial travel, church repairs, land purchases, church construction projects, evangelism, church planting, training and evangelistic publications, and other urgent needs that come up.
Thank you for your faithful and generous support and your prayers! They mean a lot to us, your missionaries, as well as to the work in Peru.
We hope and pray for the day when we will be able to report explosive growth in the work in Peru – but, for now, we continue to train ministers, teach, promote revival and growth throughout the nation, and to thank God for each new soul that is brought into His Kingdom!
Please continue to pray for Peru and for your missionaries here.
Looking ahead: The Lord willing, my wife and I will be doing a little bit of deputation travel in June, July, and the first part of August of this year – starting in southern California, going north and then east this time around, if the Lord wills. As soon as possible, if any of you would like for us to hold a missionary service in your church, please contact Pastor Peter Connell, who is doing our scheduling (THANK YOU, Bro. Connell!!): His mobile and text number is (707) 235-0475, and his email is
We are thankful to the Lord that all the Nix missionary team are doing well. My father, Robert Nix, arrived back on the field in January. My brother, Keith, is working very hard in the Bible school (which begins classes again on March 14). My wife and I do quite a bit of travel and are also heavily involved in the administration of the work.
We love and appreciate each of you, and we are praying for you! Please communicate our love and appreciation to your congregations.

For Peruvian souls,
Missionary Kevin L. Nix for the entire team –
Robert L. Nix, R. Keith Nix, and Kevin & Cathy Nix
Your Missionaries to Peru 

Winter Update.

Greetings in Jesus name!

Thank you for your continual prayers and support that allow us to remain in Honduras and building the Kingdom of God here in Central America!

Things appear to be regulating here on the island - the presidential election is over, the majority of COVID is managed and the tourism industry is beginning to reappear. These are very good and very needed changes for the island and our church. The headquarters church here in Sandy Bay is thriving. Nearly every week since the beginning of the year, people have been in home bible studies and being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.

In terms of a year-in-review - this year we have hosted 2 Hope Corps ITW, 1 American Youth on Mission, several church groups from the USA, a Celebration of Cultures Sunday and a local Youth Conference for Honduran churches. We have also provided thousands of hot meals through our kitchen ministry, put on a Thanksgiving Celebration, hosted our first annual Marriage Conference and opened our church coffee shop, Cafe314. NONE of this would have been possible if it were not for the unwavering and sacrificial support of those stateside who truly believe in the potential for Honduras and beyond. The best part is, we believe we are just scratching the surface of the potential to impact this country with the Jesus name message. 

As we look into the future, specifically at 2022 - we have a clear vision for what God is going to do. Currently, we are in the process of completing the construction on the balcony for our headquarters church. We anticipate it will be completed sometime in January and will add 60 chairs into our current sanctuary. We always anticipated that we would need to add the balcony, we just did not think we would need it so soon!

Additionally, we have set our focus on starting new locations for 2022 - Pastor Julio May preached to our church to be "United, Enflamed, Sent" - we are preparing for launching into new opportunities of revival. Specifically, we are set on the capital city metro (Tegucigalpa and surrounding communities) as well as the eastern-portion of the island (French Harbor and eastward). This is a big step for our church - and this is a big step for our ministry. As you already know - this will demand additional resources and funding to maintain and expand into greater horizons. 

The work never stops - as the church grows, so does the demand. Departments, Department Directors, Elders, Deacons, Sunday School teachers, Administrators, etc. - a healthy and flourishing church culture requires the development and installation of church leaders. God is helping us and God has blessed our church will amazing people! And God has uniquely positioned our church (can not go into too many details for the privacy of those people) with favor from elected officials and people in Governing power. 

Thank you for taking time to read and stay updated with the missions endeavor in Honduras and Central America. Knowing that our friends and family in the USA and abroad are continuing to pray and support our work gives us the strength we need to continue! God bless each of you - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

A breakdown of our projects are as follows (all prices are in USD):

✓ AC Units - $10,000 - PAID

(Rev. Wade Townley, Rev. James Townley, Bro. Dwayne Lowe)

◦ Flooring & Installation - $22,000

◦ Paint & Labour - $7,500

◦ Exterior & Interior Doors - $8,500

◦ Electrical & Light Fixtures - $7,500

◦ Kitchen Cabinets - $25,000

◦ Bathroom Vanities - $5,000

◦ Cabinets For Closets, Pantry, Laundry Room - $10,000

◦ Plumbing, Water Purification System, Hot Water Heaters -


◦ Bathroom Fixtures - $15,000

◦ Labour - $20,000

◦ Shipping Container For Personal Belongings - $6,500 - $5,000


(Rev. Michael Blakely, Bishop Blakely)

◦ Furniture, Appliances, Kitchen, Laundry - $25,000


March 2021 Update

Dear Friends:

Thank you for your tireless and faithful prayers and support! God is using YOU to make it possible for the Nix missionaries to be able to work for Him in Peru!

We are grateful that the latest virus wave seems to be diminishing, as it brought many deaths and much suffering. After much bureaucratic hassle and corruption, vaccines are finally arriving and being applied, and hopes are rising. Some restrictions have been eased a little and we are now able to have in-person services in most areas of the country – though with only 20% of building capacity allowed per service (a little is better than nothing!).

The Nix missionaries are working hard to keep the church moving forward and in the right direction, as well as getting the Bible School year started again (this year, it is fully virtual).

The northern-jungle city of Yurimaguas and the surrounding jungle villages are our growth hotspot currently. Restrictions have been much less there for a good while, and our area pastor, Bro. Gabriel Shapiama, has not lost any time in fanning the fire: He travels many hours per week up and down the river as well as by motorcycle, ministering the Word, baptizing people in Jesus’ Name, and praying for people to receive the Holy Ghost – as well as pastoring the church in Yurimaguas proper. Thank God, people are receiving the Holy Ghost every week and being baptized!

Other areas are experiencing growth, as well, with baptisms being reported in different areas. We are deeply grateful to the Lord for the moving of His Spirit.

We continue to work and pray for great revival and church growth throughout the country and are grateful that you are standing with us to see this happen. Thank you!

For Peruvian souls,

Robert L. Nix, R. Keith Nix, and Kevin & Cathy Nix
Your Missionaries to Peru


If you already support the work of missions in Peru with your finances, we would be deeply grateful if you could share the form below and our urgent need of missionary support with a fellow pastor.

If you have not yet joined our team through your financial support, we earnestly ask you to please consider partnering with us on a monthly basis to reach Peru with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. There are over 32 million souls in this great nation that need to experience the love of God and salvation that only comes through Jesus Christ.


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